College Park Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
College Park Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Where Our Family is Your Family

Ministry Opportunities

Greeter's Ministry
Provides a wholesome and hearty welcome to all persons who visit this congregation in worship.

Children's Ministry (ages 6-11)
Acolytes, study, fellowship & fun, choir, Christmas and Easter programs, Vacation Bible School and trips. Every 4th Sunday is Children and Youth Sunday whereby they play major roles in the worship service.

Youth Ministry (ages 12-17)
Monthly meeting, study, fellowship, fun music, ministry, trips and retreats.

Youth Adult Ministry (ages 18-35)
Monthly meeting, study, fun, fellowship, ministry, trips and retreats.

Liturgical Dance Ministry
Our Dance Ministry ministers in worship on the 4th Sunday and most special occasions. An anticipated feature of this ministry is the annual special performance.

Music/Choir Ministry
Mass Choir, Men's Choir, Children and Youth choirs sing board genre of music.

Prayer Ministry
At His Feet Prayer ministry is an intercessory prayer ministry that meets weekly (Mondays at noon) to pray specifically for the needs of others, with a special emphasis on prayer requests.

Evangelism Outreach
Commission on Membership & Evangelism seeks to help our congregation practice its mission of winning others to Christ. They work closely with the greeters ministry and generously provide outreach to the needy.

Christian Education Ministry
Designed to help foster spiritual nurture and education for all ages and groups of the church.

Usher Ministry
Serves as doorkeepers and custodians of worship.

Ministry to Men
Helps the Church minister to the needs and concerns of men in the church and surrounding community.

Steward Ministry
Steward Board accounts for all monies of the church and promotes the giving of our membership.

Stewardess Ministry
Stewardess Board provides the ministry of the Lord's table and assists the pastor and church in other areas.

Lay Council Ministry
Responsible for providing programs, workshops, training, and ministries to foster the leadership and lay involvement in the whole church's ministry.

Bible Study & Prayer
We have Bible Study each Wednesday. Our noon and evening (7pm) Bible Study is led by our Pastor, Rev. Albert Lee, III. All sessions began and end with fervent prayer. Our evening Bible Study ends with a fellowship meal.

Missionary Ministry
The Missionary Society helps the congregation to engage the needs of others in our community and West Africa, Jamaica, and Haiti.

Trustee Ministry
Superintend the church's property & facilities.

Board of Social Concerns
Provides education and outreach regarding many of the social issues of our time.